Good news--Steve encouraged me to go with him to a book talk at his temple last week. We met a Rabbi who wrote a book about cancer. He had rabbis (mostly) who have been touched by cancer write chapters about their experiences. It's a great book and is called "Life, Faith, and Cancer" (by Rabbi Douglas J. Kohn). I read the 1st 2 chapters last night--good stuff.
My finger neuropathy is really being a pain, so my boss was kind enough to order me voice recognition software for my computer. If you see me talking to my computer, I'm not going crazy--I'm just using an alternative to the keyboard. My typing has gotten really bad due to me being unable to feel my fingertips properly. I can't wait to try the new software out. I should have it in a couple of weeks.
Of other news--Robin is getting over her cold, I'm working today, my dog is doing well, and I'm going out to eat sushi with an old friend today.
Best wishes to all,