This has been one heck of a week for inspirational stories. I have 3 inspirational stories to share. The first one came when I was tired from Chemo. I sat down on the couch and was channel surfing. Nothing was on, so I had to settle on Oprah (nothing bad meant about Oprah). Well, she had a show about people with cancer. Unfortunately, I missed her first guest so I went to her website. She had Kris Carr on the show. Kris Carr is an actress/model who was diagnosed with liver cancer. She had something like 24 tumors on her liver. She made a documentary of her cancer struggle, starting with day 1. The movie was aired on TLC and was called "Crazy Sexy Cancer". It's very positive and uplifting. She also wrote a book called "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips". I've rented the DVD and bought the book. She has even gone on to create a really cool website community. She seem to be winning her cancer through diet and lifestyle. It's a direction that I've said all along that I'll switch to. I'm not quite ready yet, but major diet changes are certainly in my future. Also, Oprah also had Professor Randy Pausch who was talking about his "Final Lecture". Wow--more inspiration, but I won't talk about that one here or now.
Story 2 comes straight from Craig's List. Who would know that I would find inspiration there?!?! I was looking for a bicycle for myself and wanted a nice, used mountain bike. I used to ride a lot in college (you would too if you had a Yugo!) and was ready to get back on 2 wheels. Also, Robin and Erica have new bikes and I wanted to be able to cycle with them. I found a bike on Craig's List and arranged to meet "David" to see his bike. While we were haggling about his bike, I mentioned chemotherapy. He asked about what type of cancer I had. It turns out that his mother has been battling colon cancer for 5 years. She spent 1 year at stage 3 and 4 years at stage 4. Erica and I were invited into their house and got to meet his inspirational mother. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was to meet someone who's survived 5 years when the doctors have told me things about the "textbook average" of 2 years. As if that weren't enough, David told me that the bike came with lifetime tune-ups. It was in need of one, so I took it into Sports Chalet. Unfortunately, Sports Chalet told me that they didn't do lifetime tune-ups. I called David and asked him about it. I had no doubts about his honesty--I just wanted to see if I had missed something. He surprised us by catching up to us while we were shopping. He gave me a $20 refund on the bike (presumably for the tune-up that I had to pay for). Much to my surprise, when I went to pick the bike up from the shop a few days later, it turns out that he payed for the tune-up too! I truly got more than the bike from David and his family. Not only were they inspirational, but showed me kindness that most people don't show to strangers.
My final note of inspiration this week came at Erica's school. I stopped in for a few minutes as I often do. I was given an envelope and opened it. It turns out that it was a gift card from the promoting 6th grade class. The card said that they had recycled cans and bottles and used the money for our gift card. I am always impressed at the kind things that kids will do if given the chance. Also, there were several years that I had my 4th grade and 6th grade classes recycle and we donated the money to charities (mostly tsunami aid and hurricane aid). If I'm not mistaken, some of these graduating 6th graders were my 4th graders in one of the classes were we donated to charity. It makes me feel impressed by their kindness and proud that I may have influenced them positively.
That's it for now. Oh, I'm doing well too. My heart has been warmed by this inspirational week. My body is tired from the chemo, but I still feel very good. Also, I nearly forgot to mention that Erica came to chemo with me last week (for the first time) and was impressed by the great nurses (who brought her warm blankets, graham crackers, and juice).
Thanks for the great stories that are inspiring to all of us.
Cancer is no respecter of people as shown by the Kris Carr story. Also, David, who sold you the bike, is a great reminder of all of those wonderful people out there who never make the local news channels (which are pre-occupied by the pointing out the doers of crime and destruction).
Have a great Sunday and thanks for sharing your journey with us.
With Love,
John & Jo
Tim, Thank you for sharing this touching miraculous week you have been blessed with. I do believe in "Guardian Angels. It sounds like your Angels were working full time this week to keep your heart warmed, and a big loved smile on your face. !!!! However.... we are not surprised this all happened to you. You have a warm, loving ,open, stunning love of life, family, friends, and just people in general. I can imagine as if you show respect your are awarded with respect in turn. You do that, but it your case, your open, warm nonpentious heart draws into your life inturn you glow with love of life, kind soul, and extrude love ,joy, happiness, respect, and kindness, honor, yes even humor. . We your family, friends, and in the case of David and his Mom , we know we are blessed to have you, Robin and Erica brighten each and every day. LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
HI Tim, still not sure if this is the right place to leave a message....Jim and I think and pray for you often. Keep up the positive spirit.
Hi Jori,
It's the perfect place to leave a message. Thank you,
I can only imagine how encouraging this must be to you, and how good it is knowing that you're not alone out there. Thanks for sharing this and all the other great blog entries!
(forgot my user name/password, again)
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who forgets passwords from time to time (even more often now with chemotherapy!). :)
My thoughts and prayers a re with you daily. It was really great seeing you. Loved the rosey face!
Those are some great stories. I'm glad to hear, that the world is giving back to you. After all that you have given to this world.
June 27, I am catching up on the blog and crying after a very emotional day,the boys went to vacation bible school this week and not only did they except Christ in their heart, a 100 children from Chino raised over
$730.00 to aid a children's home in Kenya,Africa and Sean and Shane were so excited to do it. Another cool thing (besides playing their uncle's video game) was that Lori Cunningham was Shane's leader for the week. So Scott and I got to see the Cunningham's and their two cute children plus the boys made knew friends and did something for others and not themselves. I also saw Diane at Cortez on wednesday and she is glad Tim that you are doing good and sends her wishes. I am glad your able to reach out to others and they can reach you, it's cool and the power of the computer age is great and helpful. I hope your guy's camping trip you just had went great, and see you guys soon, Sam C., Chino Ca
Hi Tim,
I have been a faithful reader of your blog since you started it. I didn't know how to leave a comment until you gave a little explaination. You are such a great teacher!!! Much of my computer knowledge has come from you. I am so glad that you were touched and inspired this week. I love hearing stories about the good people that are out there. So often it is easier to look at the negative than the positive in this world. Kind people make such a huge difference in others lives!
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