Thanks to lots of help and suggestions from my family, I found a great car. Steve suggested that I look at the Chevrolet HHR and I finally did on Monday. It turns out that it was the last day of their 0% financing offer. Mark Christopher Chevrolet's Internet and Fleet departments were great to work with--no games or BS. It really was a sharp contrast to the treatment that I had at Shaver Jeep. They were total shysters. I love my new red HHR. It reminds me of my PT Cruiser that I had a couple of years ago.
As for my treatment, I haven't heard any results from my CAT scan last week. I'm sure that they're coming soon.
I worked Monday & Tuesday, and woke up early to mow my lawns this morning (before the heat of the day). After that I hit the couch until chemo. I'm currently in the chemo chair waiting for my benadryl to kick in. It always gives me a good nap. I still feel great except that I get tired easily.
Tim and Robyn, Molotov on the beautiful new wheels. I guess now you will have your own brand new way to go out for HOT DOGS AND SODA" LOL. Seriously we are thrilled for you, drive it in good health. I guess it the original guy getting his second youth, syndrome, acne and a brand new "RED" car. Bring it by sometime soon. LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
We'd also like to see the new car. Bring it by Salt Lake City sometime, too. While you're here, stay awhile! Oh, and don't forget to bring Bowie. (How's he doing?)
I've never been to Salt Lake. We'll have to get out there and visit sometime. And Bowie is great. He's healthy and still has a great personality. Unfortunately, he's not very fond of my dad's boat. We'll have to work on that. I guess he's still developing his sea legs.
Very nice car, I hope that you will enjoy it in good and getting better health.
I would like to see it soon. Can I go with you if you take it to visit Salt Lake City?
Love, Dad
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