After several months of having a wicked face (and head and shoulders and chest and arm and leg) rash, I was finally able to get a haircut! Woohoo! It is so nice to be able to do that. However, the chemo has thinned my hair bigtime, so it was time to get it cut really short. Here's me with my new cool short haircut.
Wow !!!! Tim you have always been a real handsome looking guy. Now you are a "Super" handsome looking guy. Love the cut. We love your so creative graphics, but we must say it is fantastic to see the real you. I think above all else your fantastic personality and your amazing attitude shines through rash or better yet no rash. It does not hurt to have two of the most supportive, beautiful amazing gals on your side always. Robin is beyond the most amazing, ,supportive partner anyone would ever want to go through life with . We love her dearly and are proud she is our niece . ( We know we have used the word amazing alot in this blog, but it fits OK...) And Miss Erica she keeps the smile on her Mom and Dad's face all of the time and melts the hearts of her Grandpa Fred and all that love her. Keep the great progress, Cannot wait to see the real you in person. LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
P.S . You kinda look like one of the Marines from your Dad's time in the military. Again you look great !!!!
The "S" is backwards! Tell me it's the camera, buddy! OMG, if it's not, we'll have to go back to the tattoo parlor . . . together.
Love the new "do."
OMG--I'm completely backwards! It's not just the S. Scary! Maybe it's because I took the pic on my Mac's camera and you're viewing it on a PC. I'll call tech support.
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