Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Doctor Visit and Chemo

I visited with my oncologist today (he's not the doctor in the photo--that's Doctor Erica). He said that we're doing great. He's cleared me for a possible trip to Israel early next year.

After a visit with him, I went for a very relaxing day of chemo (relaxing because I slept all morning in an I.V. induced Benadryl stupor). After that, I've assumed the official after-chemo position the couch in front of the TV.

Best wishes to all,



ladybug said...

Tim we are very pleased to hear that your doctors visit went so well… We knew you were hoping to be cleared to go to Israel with your dad, and brothers. It is fantastic that the doctors gave the OK. Keep up the good work. And a very Happy belated birthday to the beautiful "doctor" Erica in the photo. We will see her soon for her birthday. Get some rest. LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank

Fred Rosenbloom said...

I like the doctor in the picture.
She seems to be the best medicen for all of us.

Love, Dad