Update--I had a very nice scan experience. I was able to use some of the lidocain that they give me in Oncology on my arm approximately where I thought the IV would go for the CT scan. It's a numbing lotion that I use prior to chemo. The CT technician was surprised to see that I had a numb spot on my arm all ready for the IV. After he gave me the IV, he asked if it hurt. I said that I didn't feel a thing. He thought that was really cool. I also asked why the CT scan machine tells you to hold your breath during parts of the scan. He told me that when you breathe, your diaphram caused your liver, lungs, and parts of the intestine to move. So, holding your breath caused your inner organs to be more still and therefore results in a clearer CT scan picture. Neat stuff. I think that was my 4th CT in the last year. They have something like 50X the radiation of an X-Ray, so I'm something like 200X more radiated than a person would be from an X-Ray. Stand back--I'm probably radioactive. Does anyone have a geiger counter?
Original Post--I'm off to work today and will then go for a new CT Scan. Looking for no new cancer...
Our prayers are with you today on your journey to become cancer free.. May God Bless you every step of the way. We will be looking forward to hearing the good results from your C scan.
We all love you very much. All our love Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
Jeff has a geiger counter, but hopefully you were scanned in one of those new-fangled CT scans. They take your weight and height into account and irradiate you only as much as necessary. Jeff's going 4WDing tomorrow, so in lieu of the geiger counter, just go to bed, turn out the lights and see if Robin can find you in the dark. Might be fun!
hi tim
i'm scheduled for a ct scan soon. and an emg yuck!
i'm glad to hear you're doing well and planning a trip to israel.
we're still praying for you!
wendy pennett
p.s. i'm still mostly one-handed, so i don't bother with caps.
Hi Tim, thinking of you often and keeping you in our prayers. Might I ask if you will pray for my son-in-law Bryan, the doctors suspect that he has Lymphoma but cannot get into the specialist at Kaiser until the 16th. You know what the waiting game is like.
Take care and God Bless,
Hi Jori,
I'll definitely add him to my prayers. For what it's worth, my uncle's girlfriend was just diagnosed with Lymphoma and doctors told her that it was quite treatable. She will definitely lose her hair from the chemo, but the survival rate for her kind of cancer is very high. I hope for the same type of outlook for him.
Tim, please pass on to Jori that we will add her son-in-law Bryan to our prayers. Perhaps they should call Kaiser to see if her can be put on the wait list in case they have someone change their appoiment and we will pray he gets in sooner. We have done that even when Uncle Frank has had to wait for Kasier specialist appoiment, and it has been sucessful. Our prayers for you and yours Tim, are constant everyday. May God Bless , and bless us with a more positive and better 2009 ! LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
Thanks Tim and Sue for your support. Bryan was able to get a appointment this Friday at 11:00. I will keep you updated.
Tim I hope you are doing well in your recovery.....
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