I have to admit, this was an interesting week. It started off with lots of work. Unfortunately, I worked a little too much and had a co-worker that was having a tough day and shared the difficulty of the day with me. Basically, I got dumped on. Oh well--they didn't do it on purpose and they really are a nice person.
After that challenging start, I was off to California Adventure with the family for a 1/2 day visit. Between working a little too much and having challenging inter-personal issues at work, I was exhausted. I found myself walking around California Adventure feeling like someone with cancer (I was just really drained and tired). This was a first for me. We still had a nice family time, but it took a significant effort on my part to maintain enough energy to keep up with my family and enjoy the park.
As if that weren't enough of a challenge, I've felt mouth-sores coming on for the last few days. They finally started to really hurt yesterday. They're kind of funny--I first feel them coming on, then I can see them, and then they really start to hurt. It seems to be a fairly predictable cycle. When I was feeling them coming on, I took a flashlight and looked closely at my tongue. I had 6 small sores one the left side, one on the bottom of my tongue, and one big one on the right side of my tongue. Ouch!
Fortunately, my week has also had some high points. I ventured out to Culver City to try a raw vegan restaurant called "Leaf". Not only did I have a fantastic lunch, but I learned that raw food can really be very good. I had a sandwich and salad while I was there. I also bought several things to take home (salad dressing, dessert, powdered chocolate, croutons, crackers, etc.). I'll definitely be going back there. It was well worth the hour and a half drive.
Also, I joined the Inland Empire Organic Produce Buying Club. It's a co-op that takes money from the members and purchases organic produce (in bulk) from local farmers. The produce is then divided up among the people who contributed money. The whole thing looks great. I saw the produce baskets today and it looks like a great deal. I'll get my first basket of produce from them next Saturday. You can learn about the IEOPBC at http://www.meetup.com/organicproduce/
I posted some of my basic information on their website earlier today and already had some helpful messages. 1 person messaged me and told me that they also are eating raw foods and offered to help answer any questions that I may have. They told me about a cancer-fighting movie that another member has and offered to email that person to see if I can borrow it. Another person messaged me and told me that they also eat raw foods. This second person told me about a raw food demo group and a raw food potluck group. Both of those groups are from around here and are fairly close by (within a half-hour or so). Since this new way of eating is so different for me, I really need the help and support. I can't wait to see where this leads me.
One more highlight of the week. I got to see my cousin in a play. He is in Zoot Suit and the Pomona College. It was great to see him acting. :)
Night all,
Tim, We are so sorry that you are suffering so with the mouth sores. We admire all of the courage you have to deal with all you do as well as still work, not miss an step in your stride with your family. ( we know the support you get from your amazing wife and daughter are the fuel that keeps you going. It was so great to have you guys come to see Zoot Suit last night. We are so proud of Jeff as we know you are as well. We are still trying to find ideas on how we can all add the raw foods program to our daily lives. We know it is a much healther way of life for us all. Hang in there and I will send you the info for the Raw Food Pot Luck Meeting . LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
Yikes! Those sores in your mouth do NOT look fun! I'm glad to hear you are feeling well despite the sores *¿*
I can't wait to hear how the fruits and veggies are from Inland Empire Organic Produce Buying Club. It sounds like a reasonable deal too. Let me know what you think.
Loved the video clip of the autistic 3-point shooter. I sent it to my dad, brother and nephew. They will appreciate it.
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