Monday, March 16, 2009

Happenings This Week

Update for the Week,

I figured that I'd follow my good colonoscopy news with some good eye doctor news. It's odd--the last time that was at the eye doctor (which wasn't that long ago), I didn't know that I had cancer. Looking back, it really has been a surreal year. Anyway, I got a good bill of health from my eye doctor. He said that my prescription really hasn't changed much. Since there was nothing noticeably different, it appears that the chemo hasn't affected my vision. Armed with good news from both ends of my body (from colon to eyeballs), I thought it was time for some good news from my abdomen. To that end, I think that I'll have a CT Scan this week. I have one scheduled for Thursday. I'm sure it will be more of the same news--unremarkable.

What else? The Erbitux rash that was on my face is now on my scalp. It's gotten pretty bad. It doesn't hurt, but it itches like crazy. Basically, my scalp is a scabby mess. I have blood on my pillow case each and every morning. It's not horrible, but it's not the most fun thing either. Also, I've been pretty tired lately. I worked for 1/2 of a day today and went home to rest. It has gotten to the point where I'm going to suggest to my doctor that it's time for a break from that particular chemo drug.

I think that I'll end this blog post with some more good news. My uncle's girlfriend, Cheryl, has officially beat her cancer. She has a couple more rounds of chemo, but she just received a clean bill of health. Congrats Cheryl! Way to kick some cancer butt!

1 comment:

Fred Rosenbloom said...

Great news about Cheryl.
We are looking for the same type of news for you.
We were very excited when we had our last visit with the doctor after your colonoscopy.
Get some rest.

Love, Dad