Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy June

Hi all,

I'm happy to report that my mouth is much better. For the last month or so, it's been really bad. Finally, last week, things started to turn around. I can now go back to beef jerky and lemonade. :)

What else? Well, on the health front, I met with my oncologist this week. Things are looking very good. Still no new cancers showing up. He put me in for my next CT scan. It's been a few months, so it's time to get scanned again. Also, it looks like Robin and I will be doing the Chino Relay for Life. Look for more details on that one as the event gets closer.

As for the family, everyone is doing well. Rumor has it that some kids were teasing Erica at school saying that if you touch her you'll get skin cancer. From what I hear, she calmly and coolly told them that you can't get skin cancer from touching someone and that her father has colon cancer--not skin cancer. When we asked her about this whole thing, she was very nonchalant about it and seemed to have taken the whole thing in stride. She constantly amazes me.

Last weekend we went to see Steve and Nancy in Idyllwild. Erica, Robin, and I took a hike up the South Ridge Trail. I'm guessing that we hiked about a mile or so (each way). We took some great pictures along the way. I'll post them to FB.

Best wishes to all,



ladybug said...

Tim, We are happy to see your good update . I am very proud of Erica and the way she hanndled the kids that are obiviously ignorant, and herself all around. She is a real beauty and such a gem. Sounds like your trip to Ildyllwild was a great one for body, mind, soul touching base with family and nauture. Horray for all of you. The photo's are just beautiful. Good luck with the relay.
LOve, Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank

Fred Rosenbloom said...

Happy June is right, we are happy that you are doing so well.
Erica is to smart to let teasing bother her, she knows better.

Love, Dad