Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Invisible Cancer

The results of my PET scan are in. Just like the CAT scan, it shows no
cancer. There is also a blood test for cancer that I get weekly. Like
the other two tests, it shows no cancer. Unfortunately, this does not
mean that I don't have cancer. It just means that my cancer is very
hard to detect.

The results of the PET scan reinforce our previous plan of continuing
treatment and then having a small laproscopic surgery to literally
"look" for cancer. Until then we will assume that the treatment is
working well and that all of the thoughts and prayers are working

Tim Rosenbloom
(Sent from my phone)


John and JoAnne Van't Land said...

Thanks for the update, Tim. We had been wondering how you are doing. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers.

Hang in there,

John and Jo

Anonymous said...

Whats going on man. I haven't heard from you in a while. I just thought you should know metallica is playing at weenie roast with offspring. Hows the gaming comin along? BTW, im sending the psp back tomorrrow apparently the reader for the memory card is NFG.