Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Catastrophic Leave

I've had several people from CVUSD ask about donating sick days to me. Here's how that program works:
  1. First I use my sick days. I went into this with approximately 28 sick days. My first day off work was March 3. I've used something like 17 days as of today.
  2. After those days are used up, I'll go into something called Differential Pay. Basically, they take my salary and subtract out the cost of a substitute. It's really impossible to get a substitute for my job, but this is contractual and that's just how they do it. This goes on for 100 days or 5 months. Because I've been paying into American Fidelity's salary protection, they should cover the difference in my pay.
  3. Only after the Differential Pay period is done, can I do Catastrophic Leave. For the Catastrophic Leave program, I start by applying. Once I'm approved, we'll drop off donation papers to several Chino schools. Teachers can donate up to 10 days to me. Those days are put into a pool and they can be given to up (up to 100 days). For now, I don't plan to be out that long. To use Catastrophic Leave, I'd have to be out for approximately 117 more work days. That's a long time. If I'm wrong, we'll definitely be brining the forms around.
  4. Thank you to everyone who's asked. We really appreciate it. :)
Note to Teachers: I don't recall anyone ever telling me that we don't contribute to State Disability. Because we don't contribute, we aren't eligible for State Disability. Thankfully, I just happened to sign up for American Fidelity's Disability program. If you haven't already done so, it's a great idea to check it out. They're always at our Open Enrollment.

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