Today is a good day in our race for the cure, Tim has made an appointment with City Of Hope for the first available date on April 14. They will contact him if anything earlier becomes open.
Tim, Erica, and Robin had a date to see Horton hears a who, I wish that I could have joined them. I am sure that they will have a great time at the movies.
Tim and I have run many marathons together and have always celebrated the finish, this one will be just like the first one where Tim had sore toes and could not move well for a few days but was a better person after his body healed from the race.
We will start this one together as father and son and finish the same way.
Great photo !! I remember that day as well. Tim we know that you are all fired up and ready to win your "biggest race ever", the race for your cure. We know you will win that race and the grand prize along with it. We know that your Dad and brother will be right along your side. The rest of us will be on the sidelines cheering you on. Anxious for the "big celebration " when the race is "WON BY YOU AND YOU WILL HAVE THE GRAND PRIZE, YOUR CURE !!!!!
Hey just looking thru the blog and Ian commented on this picture. I asked who the people were and he said Papa and Uncle Tim in the street
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