New Information--Kaiser just called Steve. They have denied our request because they feel that they can provide me with care of the same quality. Our next and final step in this process is an appeal at the state level.
Our appointment was great. There were approximately 6 people in the
room and several more at a remote location. The presentation was
great. We were a good team. Now we wait to hear from them. We expect a
no, but hope for a yes.
I've decided to make the presentation available. You can see it at http://web.mac.com/mr_rosenbloom/Tims_Site/Presentation_to_Kaiser.html
Also, Steve recorded audio of the meeting. I'll try to post that as well. It's about 10 minutes long and is very informative.
Tim Rosenbloom
Work: tim_rosenbloom@chino.k12.ca.us
Personal: mr_rosenbloom@mac.com
(Sent from my phone)
Mazlouv on the good presentaion, It is just one more step in the path to success.
Oh Tim, this is so classically you...technology is your friend and you are gonna' make it work for you! I (We at Wickman) think about you all the time. Thanks for the awesome blogs. We are not sure when a good time to call is, but now we can keep up with your latest. Will pray hard that CofH is allowed to give you a second opinion. Miss you...when can you hit On the Border?
Kim J
Well, if I don't drink, I can go anytime. Generally speaking, my schedule is pretty open these days. :)
Tim and Steve , you guys did an excellent and outsatnding presentation,we would not have expected less. We are very impressed and hope and pray the Kaiser reciepents will be as will. Great team work. May God Bless you with this endouver. LOve us
Tim, We've been praying for a positive response by the review team and will continue to pray that God will work in the hearts of those at the state level.
I think a good argument could be made that when there's a shadow of a doubt that a second opinion might make a difference in the life of a 37-year old husband and father, it behooves the reviewers to error on the side of a positive decision.
All the best,
John & Jo
Nice Presentation Tim!
hopefully they will see the urgency of a second opinion!
In my thoughts,
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