Hi Everyone,
I visited Wickman Elementary today. It was great to see everyone. One thing that came up repeatedly, was people asking how much Erica knows. I think it would be good for me to inform everyone of exactly what I've told her. About a week before my abdominal surgery (tumor removal from my sigmoid colon), she asked me about what was going on. I let her know that her daddy has a sickness called cancer and that it's going to be ok. However, I also told her that I would probably get very sick before I get well and that it's just part of the process. She also thought that it was very funny that a colonoscopy involves a doctor putting a camera into your butt and looking at your insides. I guess I can't blame her--that is pretty funny (although very important).
Here's what I have not told her. I have not told her just how serious that this condition is. I haven't told her anything about statistics and life expectancies. I'll have those conversations with her only if absolutely necessary.
I just wanted everyone to know that she knows the word cancer and knows that I have it. She is very supportive and knows that I'll get better. On an unrelated subject, my friend Tuan was in town on Saturday and we had lunch. He's a super smart scientist and works for Genentech. They're the #1 manufacturer of chemotherapy drugs. He's going to give my information to some scientists that he works with. This way they can alert me to any existing medicines or trials out there that are very promising.
Hey Tim,
Tuan's offering to try to help you out is thee best thing that I've heard all day! Genentech's current, phase two trials really do sound promising!
Anytime you have CCTV up where the sun doesn't shine is never fun. I have done it when I was 16 years old due to my Uncle having a colon cancer. But you have to do what you have to do I guess. Hope things with Tuan go well. Who knows he may be the missing piece to the puzzle.
Tim ,you and Robyn are fantastic parents and we believe the way you are presenting your health situation is the best for Erika as well as for you guys. She is sweet, inocent, and precious. She needs to be able to enjoy her childhood , the same as the two of you guys need to enjoy your beautiful daughter. Some people may lose sight of the fact that you ,have cancer, you are "NOT" cancer. We have "complete faith" that you will overcome and win your war with this. We think it is cool that your prayers and well wishes are coming from around the planet. That just shows what the rest of us have always known your are a very special, a wonderful person and you deserve only the best, for yourself, Robyn, and Erika.
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