My chemo went very well yesterday. I had no problems. I did notice an increase in the neuropathy (my fingers are tingling as I type). It started when I touched a cool door knob on the way out of the doctor's office. This is expected and is a normal side effect of the medicine. If you see me with gloves on, it's because I'm avoiding touching cold things.
I have a PET scan scheduled for this afternoon. I'm excited about it. So far, my cancer has been undetectable except through very invasive means. The only way they've seen it is through biopsies, a colonoscopy, and actually seeing my insides during my tumor removal surgery. It doesn't appear in a CT scan or in the typical cancer detecting blood work. The doctors do keep watching the CT scans and blood work to make sure that they don't start showing cancer (which would indicate cancer growth). My hope for the PET scan is that it does show existing cancer but no new cancer. If it shows up, it would be a good way to measure the success of treatment, which is very important for my chemo.
Tim, It is so wonderful that you have not had too many side effects with your treatment. I know there are likely hundreds or more people by now from around the globe following your journey with colon cancer. This blog shows many of those that have not known you as long as many of us have, your true wonderful positive personality. Your teacher skills also come through very well with all of the educational links you often insert. You are an amazing ,wonderful, unique, loving, gentle, funny, at times a bit crazy, husband, father, son, brother, cousin, nephew, friend, teacher and an inspiration to so many. We who even in the slightest way have you touch our lives are so blessed to have you and your wonderful sweet wife Robyn, and precious daughter Erica, as part of our lives. OK this blog gives us the format in which to express to you which has always been in our hearts. We know your fantastic attitude, will keeping you going, and God willing the treatments will stay as toleratable as they have been thus far. LOve, Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
Tim, so glad that you are able to work and still do things with your family. I vote for Oscar for the puppy name. Hope all is well and if you need anything let us know.
By the way my friend Stacey that you spoke to about 6 weeks ago who knows Brian because they go to the same church. She lost her daughter this past tuesday. Please keep them in your prayers.
Love Jori & Jim.
Hi Son,
I am not surprised by all of the kind things that your Aunt Susan and others have to say about you.
You and your brother have always good with all situations and people that you come across.
This is the way that you were raised and that is why you are so good with people.
I would expect nothing less of you guys.
I know that many people will learn very much from you as we fight this fight for the cure.
Love, Dad
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