Monday, April 14, 2008

What's Up This Week...

Hi Everyone,

I had a great weekend and was off and running with a doctor's appointment at 9am this morning. It was a pre-op for my port-a-cath surgery. I was expecting to have an EKG and blood work, but I've had both of those recently so they weren't required. Consequently, my 3 hour appointment was less than an hour. :)

Tomorrow I have a quick visit to give blood. I'll do this every Tuesday during chemotherapy. This way my doctors and nurses can monitor key components in my blood. Fortunately, with my PICC line, they don't have to poke me to get blood out. All in all, it's pretty cool.

On Wednesday, I'll have a surgery in the morning to install the port-a-cath. It's a quick surgery but I'm hoping that they'll knock me out for it. The doctor already said that it's ok with him and that I just need to let the anesthesiologist know that I want to be knocked out. I am definitely happier not being awake for that sort of thing. Besides, I can use a good nap.

After the surgery they'll leave a needle sicking out of the port-a-cath (I'm sure it will be all taped up). The chemotherapy nurses will use the new port-a-cath to administer my chemotherapy. This week's chemo is what I call an "off week," meaning that I get only 1 drug during a very short visit. Also I had to take home a portable pump last week--this week I don't have to do that. Next week it will be back to the full routine.

For a little good news--my facial acne started. The nurses assure me that this is a good thing, indicating that one of the chemo drugs is working nicely. If you run into me, I assure you that it's chemotherapy and not a second round at puberty. LOL.


Unknown said...

I am glad to see that they are putting i the Port-a-cath. I am also glad to hear you are doing well. Keep up the great attitude. Mike and I think of you guys often. Call for anything!

Clara said...

Tim, it's good to read that you have such a great attitude. Keep it up. Know that you are in our prayers.

Al & Clara

Clara said...
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