What a day yesterday! Robin had an appointment at Kaiser Fontana at 11. I went with her. Sometime between that appointment and my PICC line appointment (1:30), one of our cars had the "check engine" light come on. Yuck! So, just to be safe (and to get the most of our membership) she had to call AAA to get it towed to the dealer. Then she had to scramble to work out how to get Erica from school and how to get Erica to her doctor's appointment (follow-up for her cough). My mom was able to help out, but it was stressful. We almost called Wickman to ask some of you who volunteered to watch her after school, but things worked out nicely.
From there, I met with a very nice PICC line nurse. She told me about everything that she was going to do for the PICC. That is the strangest feeling and process. It didn't hurt too much, but I really didn't enjoy it. Basically, they give your inside upper arm a numbing shot. That part stings. Then they put a needle into your vein and run a kind of guide into the vein. It seems to go almost all the way to the heart. After that, they put in a little, teeny, tiny tube in place of the guide. When all is said and done, there is a skinny tube sticking out of the inside of your arm, coming right out of your skin. It's strange! Just to be sure all is right, they then send you off to x-ray to make sure that the PICC line ends in just the right place. If it ends in the wrong place, they have to adjust it. I was very lucky and the nurse was very good. It ended in the right place and I was done.
I was exhausted when I got home. I think it was just because of the stress of having that done. Robin was tired from her whole ordeal (the car and taking Erica to the doctor), so it was Pizza Pirates for dinner. By the way, Erica's doctor appointment went well too. The doctor feels that her cough is sinus/allergy related, but that she also has a slight ear infection. They gave her antibiotics for the ear and sent her home.
It was a long day and I'm looking forward to relaxing today. It looks like today's agenda will be to do my taxes, feed the wild birds outside of my window, play with my dog, do a little work on my gradebook project, and maybe some video games in between. We also have Geri coming today to help with a little housework. :)
Sounds like an exhausting day (mentally & physically), but looks like you are also taking time to “smell the flowers” and enjoy the beauty that spring brings. Love all your links to help us know what is actually going on. We’ve heard of all the different things, but don’t actually know the procedures and purpose. Thanks for educating us and letting us go through your journey with you; it just reiterates your love of knowledge and sharing that allows us to feel more supportive. You’re on your way to beating this and we’re all here to cheer you on and support you in any way we can. Loved meeting you for sushi – though I don’t think any of us could out eat Georges – he LOVES his sushi and gets his monies worth! Hope to see you again soon.
I was kind of hoping that this PICC thing might be cooler. Maybe like something out of the Matrix, or a botched Borg implant.
I envisioned this PICC thing a little cooler looking; maybe something out of the matrix or a botched Borg implant.
Sounds like I should prepare to be assimilated. :)
Im you're a trekkie? That abou explains everything. Oh I almost forgot to tel lyou best place to get really cheap games for the psp, is half.com. Why don't you get a gamefly membership? You can rent games for the ps3 and the psp and pay a fee like 20 bucks a month. So you can conquer a game and move to the next only for 20/month.
I agree about the links and educating us on your procedures! It made me sorta squirm as I read about the tube.
We hope today was a peaceful good day off. We hope and pray that your treatment will go well tomarrow. Look at it as one more step to the top of the ladder to a better, healthier life. You will be espically in our prayers tomarrow, and always.May God bless you !!! LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
Great comment Marlene. Having it put in made me squirm too. LOL. The nurse asked--"Is it hurting?" I'd answer "No, but it just feels weird." Yucky!
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