After a very long day yesterday (I started at 6 am and came home from Kaiser at about 4:30 pm), I expect to have a day off today. I'm going to pay some bills (first of the month), take Erica to school, and make some calls so that I can get transferred to Ontario/Vineyard Kaiser. It's come to my attention that they're very close and they have oncology offered there (including the clinical trial that I want). I'm looking forward to not being at any doctor's offices today. :)
Tim, It's really been impressive to read your daily postings. You have been blessed with such a positive perspective on everything. More people should be like that!
Also, I now know to go to you with any techie questions I have. I had no idea you were that savvy with this stuff. (I guess your dad was right...who would have thought?)
We think of you guys often and pray for you daily. We hope you're able to find peace and strength in the darker times of the day.
Marlene and Al
(Salt Lake City)
A well deserved day off, we are sure. Glad to hear that you are transfering to Ontaio Kasier, it is newer and there fore will have the most up to date and all of the latest state of the art equipment. Also closer to Dad, Erica's school, Robyn's work, us and many others. Hope you really enjoy your day off. LOve Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank
A day off to perhaps catch up on RockBand? Let me know when you want to have a jam session when you catch your bearings. Plus I have not forgot I owe you a burrito. :)
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